
Tigers Week 2

What an amazing second week the Tigers had at camp! We had such an amazing time this week playing, singing, dancing, and having the most fun. From arts and crafts to basketball, from nature to recording, the Tigers tried so many new things and had smiles on their faces through every activity. Archery was especially exciting this week and was a unanimous favourite amongst all campers. Sentiments of “I want to go back to Archery soon, that was so much fun!” was heard all week long as campers took their best shot at hitting the bullseye.

This week, Tigers 1 took on a super special responsibility. One of their campers noticed that there was litter being left around camp, and brought it up to her counsellors that the cabin should help pick up garbage around camp. This camper went so far as to take the initiative to write a speech to present to her cabin about the importance of picking up litter and keeping the environment clean at camp. After that, Tigers 1 could be seen all around camp cleaning up after themselves and others, showing great initiative and care for their environment. Amazing work Tigers 1!

This week for Roaring Rallies, the Tigers’ weekly unit programming, the activities were influenced by the Euro Cup, which also happened to be this Friday’s dress-up theme. Each Tigers cabin created a team name and designed a banner for their team as well as a cheer. These chants were heard across camp as the Tigers made their way to the soccer field for an epic game of human foosball, a version of soccer where campers had to link arms and work as a team to move towards the ball to shoot on the net. It was so much fun to see cabins work together to move at the same time and score a goal, and reminded the Tigers about the importance and joy of working together to accomplish something.

The Tigers showed their creativity in their costumes today, with two campers winning Silly Banana’s for their efforts. Two Tigers were also the recipients of the Big Chair award for displaying camp values not only in their cabin but across camp. Congratulations Tigers!

Staff Celebration Moment

This week’s staff shoutout goes to Fiji, one of the counsellors for Tigers 4! Fiji displays incredible dedication to camp in so many ways inside and outside of her cabin. At the end of everyday in her cabin’s afternoon Cabin Huddle, Fiji talks with her campers about the quality of the week at camp, which this week happened to be kindness. Fiji asks her campers at the end of each day how they displayed the quality of the week that day, and celebrates their positive actions. By reminding them everyday, each Tigers 4 camper had a response at the end of each day! Fiji does an amazing job of reminding campers of camp values and helps them learn how to recognize them in themselves and others. As campers were leaving on Friday, there were many campers saying, “I’m going to miss you soooo much, Fiji! Thanks for making camp so fun!” We appreciate you, Fiji!

Caregiver Question of the Week

“Does programming still happen outdoors if it’s raining?”

We try our best to stay outdoors as much as possible. Some activities will be moved indoors when it rains, but we ask that all caregivers please send their campers with full outdoor wear on days when it is supposed to rain (ex: raincoat, splash pants, hat, umbrella, and sweater).


Have an amazing weekend Tigers!



Tigers Unit Head
