
Bunnies Week 7 2023

Another week has come and gone! Our bunnies had loads of fun with scavenger hunts, water play and paper airplane creations!

This week during Nature, the bunnies had an epic survival-based scavenger hunt. They searched around camp for tokens representing supplies they would need for their base camp. They looked for food, water, and shelter just to name a few things! Our bunnies are now covered for any Indiana Jones type adventures in the future!

Arts and crafts brought some calm to our bunnies with the creation or calming jars. By using water, glitter and some fun add-ins campers created their own calming jars! Continuing with our calming theme this was our last week with our friends from Little Yogis! We’ve had so much fun this summer learning some new yoga moves and breathing techniques to help us calm not only our body’s but our brains as well.

Sock a doodle doo had our bunnies create some monsters who were quite the little characters!

We ended our week with our Silly Bananas and our Big Chair winners! Congratulations to everyone it was such a hard decision! We had so many fantastic “It’s Alive” costumes.

Thank you bunnies, for another fantastic week. There’s only one more week left, so we have to jam pack it with fun and memories to last us until next summer!

Head of Bunnies & Sunshine