
Bunnies Week 8 2023

Our final week of camp has come and gone! We had campers who were having their first week with us, fourth week and some on their eighth, but no matter how long they had been with us we made sure to treat everyday like our very first! And the tearful goodbyes were plentiful for everyone!

I can speak for the whole Adventure Valley team when I say we had a FANTASTIC summer with all of our campers and we are so grateful to have had the chance to get to know and spend time with each and everyone one of them!
With that said we had so many fun things planned this week! Our bunnies got a visit from the appropriately named “Wonderphil” who put on an epic magic show. He truly added some magic into our week and our campers loved his parrot assistant, Haha!

Our campers also participated in a classic camp activity, Tie Dye! Socks helped our campers create fantastic tie die shirts. We were in awe of the wonderful design and colours are bunnies created! They also had a chance to create their own yearbook autograph pages to get their friends and counsellors to sign!

Bandology also had our bunnies drumming away. While Brightsparkz was getting our bunnies ready for back to school with their literacy and numeracy programming!

Arts and crafts had our campers creating some pasta necklaces. While nature had our campers creating some fantastic bookmarks. Cartooning gave our campers the chance to create buttons! Which our bunnies loved being able to not only create the design but help to push down the lever on the button maker!

We also had the conclusion to our August Wednesday warrior competition. Patch and Rocket went head to head in a Bingo style competition appropriately named “Warrior” to see who could get a line of seven by doing super silly challenges.

In typical AVDC fashion we ended off our week with our silly banana awards and our big chairs.

Thank you for another wonderful summer to our staff, our campers and our wonderful family’s. I and the rest of the AVDC family are counting down the days till we are able to reunite and spend another summer together!

Head of Bunnies & Sunshine
