
Diversity & Inclusion at Camp

Adventure Valley is committed to being a safe space for all, regardless of a person’s race, religion, abilities or identity. Our campers and staff come from diverse backgrounds and are all treated with equity and respect. 

How does Adventure Valley ensure all campers and staff feel safe at camp? 

  1. Adventure Valley staff are trained to refer to a child’s guardians in general terms (“your grown-up” or “your adult”) so that no child feels isolated.
  2. Adventure Valley staff wear their pronouns on their camp uniform each day. Staff respect each other’s pronouns and those of their campers. If campers inquire about pronouns they are explained in an easy-to-understand, age-appropriate manner. 
  3. No hate speech or bullying is tolerated. Parents will be informed of any issues immediately. 
  4. Adventure Valley asks many questions on our camper forms in order to best know your child. Counsellors are briefed on each child by their Unit Head. If any adjustments to a cabin’s activity are required, counsellors and Unit Heads will work together to ensure a plan is in place ahead of time. 
  5. Adventure Valley is not affiliated with any specific culture or religion. We welcome a diverse group of campers and staff each summer.

Adventure Valley is committed to continuous learning. As new situations arise we work together with our staff and families to ensure all of our campers and staff feel safe and included. If you feel there are any areas in which we can improve, please let us know immediately.