Wow! What a fantastic start to the summer! Even though the Froggies is a new unit at camp this year, these campers did not shy away from making an impact!
The sense of community in this unit is strong! Each cabin developed a cabin cheer that could be heard loud and proud throughout the week. Froggies 2 also created a cabin mural that displayed the artistic stylings of all their campers.
There’s one story from this week that exemplifies the community that the Froggies have built. There was one camper who realized that her friends were a little too shy to sing at the Recording activity. So she stepped up to the mic by herself and had the courage to sing alone. Throughout her singing, she encouraged her friends to join her in the recording booth. Slowly, but surely, other campers joined her until the song ended with a chorus of Froggies up at the mic. This camper put her cabin community first and it was because of actions like this she won a Big Chair.
The Big Chair award is given to campers who exemplify positive traits that make camp an awesome place for all.
Camp is proud to announce that each Froggies cabin had a Big Chair winner this week!
Even though we had a short week, the Froggies were sure to pack in a lot of fun! From building nature crowns, to paper plate pizzas- there was an abundance of creativity from these campers. Even at MusicFest, during “Down by the Bay” one Froggie camper provided the inspiring lyricism: “Have you ever seen a fox putting on socks?”
At Junior Multi Sport, the campers left it all out on the field. When they weren’t giving it their all running the relay race, they were cheering on their friends, no matter what team they were on.
At Ribbit Recess, a unit-wide program hosted by the Froggies Unit Head, Ducky, the campers got into the spirit of this week’s theme of Animation. From playing a Frozen inspired game to creating a playdate for Peppa Pig, these campers showed that they have a real future in animation. Their cartoonish creations were all so unique, it was amazing to see each camper’s creativity shine.
Staff Celebration Moment
Froggies would like to celebrate one of their counsellors, Lolly. This is Lolly’s first week ever at Adventure Valley, but she’s already a pro. As one Froggie camper said…
“Lolly will know. Lolly knows everything!”
Lolly works hard to be prepared for every activity and that knows her campers like the back of her hand. Camp is very lucky to have her!
Caregiver Question of the Week
“How does early pick-up work?”
When you have to pick up your camper early from camp, it’s always best to let us know in advance. You can either send us an email or give us a call! Just let us know what time that you aim to pick up your camper and we will have them ready for you at the front of the school in the West Parking Lot.
Our mission is to grow the whole child through the traditional spirit and fun of camp. While your child is with us at Adventure Valley, our leadership team is devoted to developing their social dexterity and emotional intelligence, while amplifying their self confidence.
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