
Froggies Week 2

Camp is jumping with joy because of these Froggies! What an amazing week we all had because of the positivity that the Froggies spread around camp. Even though we had some new faces this week, it was like all the Froggies had been friends forever. 


At Crazy Science this week, the campers got to make volcanoes. One of the Froggies cabins decided to work together, connecting all of their volcanoes with a moat they dug together. As each volcano blew its top, the moat filled with the “lava”; causing an eruption of cheers and laughter from the campers. 

Later in the week, the Froggies continued to collaborate in the sand pit. Using one camper’s paper airplane for inspiration, they built an airport in the sand. It included a landing strip, lights, a flag, and of course a moat for any stray lava.


This week’s theme was Euro Cup, and Ribbit Recess reflected that. There was an epic game of soccer: Froggies 1 vs. Froggies 2. These campers gave it their all both on and off the field. If they weren’t attacking the ball, they were cheering loudly for their team. 

Even though Froggies 2 did end up winning, every single player on that field showed the kind of sportsmanship that brings honor to the game. I heard one camper say “it’s okay that we didn’t win because we still tried our best” and another camper added, “plus we had fun!”


Froggies is proud to announce that we had two Big Chair winners this week! While there were many reasons that these two campers earned this award, there’s one common trait that really exemplifies what makes Froggies special: inclusion. Both campers never hesitated to make sure that everyone was included and having fun. 

Staff Celebration Moment

Froggies counsellor Breeze was a shining star this week! Although it’s Breeze’s first year at Adventure Valley, she’s really come into her own and we can’t imagine what camp was like before Breeze. She has a special knack for making sure her campers feel special.


Not only is she a fantastic counsellor, but she’s also a very strong lip-syncer. Her team won this week’s lip-sync battle, in part thanks to her incredible acrobatics and impeccable rhythym! Hooray for Breeze!

Parent Question of the Week

Question: If it’s raining will my camper still be outside?


Answer: Yes! Unless there is thunder, lightning, or so much rainfall that we can no longer reasonably run a typical program, then we stay outside. Please ensure that campers bring proper rain gear for rainy days!