Fun in LIT Land!
Back again for another LITeriffic week, the LITs kicked off the second week of camp by heading to the recording booth! The LITs had a blast at recording singing along to their favourite songs. After every stellar performance the LITs were quick to applaud each other’s performances.
When the LITs were not singing their hearts out at recording, they were playing basketball with Frosty. The last activity of this week was Kangoo Kids, where the LITs soared to new heights in their bouncing boots! The gym was the site of the LITs epic Kangoo shoe dodgeball game, but they never lost sight of their good sportsmanship.
In fact, the LITs were constantly applauding each other’s success throughout the week. Everyone at camp knew the LITs were close by when they heard the group clapping and cheering for their friends.
Leadership Training
When the LITs were not having fun at recording, basketball, or Kangoo Kids they were hard at work learning counseling skills on their journey to becoming the best leaders they can be! From professionalism workshops to many trips to the LIT theater the LITs explored how they can best manage expectations, act professionally (while still having fun), and communicate effectively.
One performance in the LIT theater gave LITs the opportunity to practice managing expectations others may have of them. The Broadway trained and Tony award winning actors took the stage by storm and put on various skits which they created, cast and performed themselves. During a performance at the LIT theater, LITs practiced active listening, demonstrating the utmost respect for their peers.
Placement Progress and Awards
This week was also the first week of LIT placement. On placement you could not tell the LITs apart from our awesome staff. The LITs were helpful, kind, respectful, and are definitely growing into amazing leaders. Camp was buzzing with talk of the LITs’ success with their cabin and activity placements!
Two LITs earned Big Chair awards this week! Campers who earn a big chair are those campers, like this week’s LIT winners, who display the many traits that make camp a wonderful place to be. In addition, the LITs showed up with many creative, and fabulous, Euro-Cup themed costumes. The LITs had another Silly Banana winner for one LITs outstanding costume.
This has been an extraordinary week for LIT growth and development. Congratulations to all of our LITs for completing their first week of placement, and for doing so with such positive attitudes!
Camp is so happy to have all of the LITs at Adventure Valley this summer.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Clementine, LIT Coordinator
Caregiver Question of the Week
“Does programming still happen outdoors if it is raining?”
At Adventure Valley we try our best to keep activities outdoors. While some activities may be moved inside due to extreme weather, it is best to come to camp prepared for any weather conditions. This may include packing a rain jacket, umbrella, or splash pants (whatever a camper needs to be comfortable outdoors).
Our mission is to grow the whole child through the traditional spirit and fun of camp. While your child is with us at Adventure Valley, our leadership team is devoted to developing their social dexterity and emotional intelligence, while amplifying their self confidence.
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