
Tigers Week 7

Another roarin’ week with the Tigers this week at Adventure Valley! It was wonderful to see so many returning faces and of course it was a pleasure to get to know the new campers that made their way to the Tiger’s Den. 



This week’s theme was “It’s Alive!” and the campers had a blast with this theme at Roaring Rallies! It started off with a camp wide scavenger hunt for monster parts: a monster heart, eyes, and fur. T1 won the scavenger hunt in record time at only 6 minutes! From there it was robots vs. monsters manhunt. By the end of the game, there were only a few campers left! Finally, each cabin set out to create their own creature using craft materials. Every cabin took a unique approach to the task and it was amazing to see such creativity and collaboration in the Tiger’s Den that afternoon! At the end they had to present their creations and it was a tough call, but at the end of the day, T1 had won this week’s Roaring Rallies. 



The Tiger’s took aim at archery, found their rhythm at Bandology drumming, and jumped to new heights with Kangoo Kids. Whether the campers were recording, questing, or shooting hoops in the gym, the Tigers brought their camp spirit to every activity!



On Friday, the costumes were fantastic! Many of the Tigers came dressed up as various objects: a tree with  a birdhouse, toast, mushrooms. We had a total of 3 Tigers win Silly Bananas for their epic costumes: an all-way stop sign, an ATM, and a giant fork with spaghetti on the end. A big congratulations to those campers for their creativity!



As we say goodbye to some campers, we hope that you have a wonderful rest of your summer, and can’t wait to see you next year! For our returning campers that will be joining us in our final week of camp, we can’t wait to see you soon!